Rest in Power, PAT MAGINNIS

To Pat’s friends, followers and fans: Our dear friend and feminist icon Pat Maginnis has passed away at age 93.

Pat made history as the world’s first abortion rights activist. In 1962, as a student at San Jose State University, she formed the Citizens Committee for Humane Abortion Laws (CCHAL). Moving to San Francisco in 1963, she met and enlisted fellow feminist sheroes Rowena Gurner and Lana Phelan Kahn in the cause, renaming their group The Society for Humane Abortion (SHA) in 1964 .

The trio used a wide range of methods — holding symposia for medical professionals, creating and handing out thousands of leaflets and Pat’s provocative cartoons, and speaking at medical conventions, libraries, and family planning organizations and libraries, as well as providing them with literature, including their own “The Abortion Handbook “and other historic books and pamphlets.

Dubbed The Army of Three, they also spent much of their time teaching self-abortion classes and providing self-abortion kits to women across the country.

As ARAL (Association to Repeal Abortion Laws, the origin of today’s NARAL Pro-Choice America), the trio created and supervised an underground railroad of safe clinics in Mexico and other countries used by approximately 12,000 women. In this radical sub-group, the trio also deliberately performed illegal actions to provoke their arrests, which forced the successful courtroom battles that challenged and then struck down many abortion laws.

With this strategic multifaceted blitz approach, these three women were the primary and most effective pioneers of the abortion rights movement that culminated in the 1973 passage of Roe v Wade.

The most dedicated activist I’ve ever known, Pat was also the most joyful — a rare and vital combination. All of her friends and compatriots treasure the time we spent with her, inspired by her laser-like focus, prodigious energy, and astonishing courage, and enjoying her tremendous wit, warmth, and creativity.

When not out on the streets smashing the patriarchy, Pat enjoyed drawing trenchant political cartoons and writing accompanying limericks. She was also a dedicated environmental, anti-war, social justice, and animal rights activist.

As Pat’s longtime friend and creator/administrator of this site and the Pat Maginnis and the Army of Three Facebook page, I join the historic Women’s Health Specialists clinics, Northstate Women’s Health Network, and other members of the abortion rights movement and the larger feminist community in mourning Pat’s passage and celebrating the life of our mentor and shero.

Pat’s lifelong battle for women’s abortion rights and her fierce commitment to making the world a better place through reproductive justice must serve as our call to arms. Today, when our hard-won reproductive rights are in greater danger than ever before, Pat’s legacy will inspire us to work harder than ever to revitalize the movement.

Love and thanks, dearest Pat. Leading the Army of Three, you made life safer and freer for millions of women — then, now, and in the future — and we will honor your memory by continuing your historic mission.

3 thoughts on “Rest in Power, PAT MAGINNIS”

  1. Pat, I’m going to miss you. A lot. You have been a favorite model to photograph- among the many accomplishments in your life. I will miss your amazing wit and sense of humor. We had a bunch of great laughs together. Give them hell up there!

  2. I remember Pat from our weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt starting soon after 9/11 and continuing for over a decade
    every Sunday. As with the Oak trees, our “leaves” began to fall and eventually so few of us were left and so few of us could walk
    the whole 3 1/2 miles that we dwindled away. 2 decades of occupation is difficult to resist but we gave it our best shot. Pat brought poetry and prose she had written and gave it out to everyone who passed by. She is one of my local “sheroes” and she will be sorely missed. RIP Pat and the P stands for POWER!

    1. What a wonderful memory, Sandra. Pat loved the Lake Merritt bunch, and I agree: she truly one of the most powerful people I’ve ever known.

      If you haven’t seen them, check out the wonderful NYT and Washington Post obituaries I’ve linked to on this page and on my site (you don’t need to have a Facebook account to see the posts).

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